
SupportLine is particularly aimed at those who are isolated, at risk, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse.

Visit our problem page


SupportLine is particularly aimed at those who are isolated, at risk, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse.

Visit our problem page


SupportLine is particularly aimed at those who are isolated, at risk, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse.

Visit our problem page


SupportLine is particularly aimed at those who are isolated, at risk, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse.

Visit our problem page


Pregnancy/Infertility Support

Agencies which can offer Support and Information

British Infertility Counselling Association
BICA is the only professional counselling association for infertility counsellors and counselling in the UK seeking to promote the highest standards of counselling for those considering or undergoing fertility investigations and treatment.

Brook Young People’s Information Service: 
Information, support and signposting service for young people under 25 on sexual health, contraception, pregnancy and abortion.

Ectopic Pregnancy Foundation:
Patient Helpline 0845 070 4636
Helpline, information, forum.

Ectopic Pregnancy Trust:
Helpline providing support and information for women and families affected by an ectopic pregnancy.

Fertility Network:
01424 732361
Free and impartial support, advice, information and understanding for anyone affected by fertility issues.

House of Light
0800 043 2031
Support for Women and their families suffering from Post Natal Depression. The Helpline provides information, advice and support.

Life Charity
0808 802 5433
A UK charity that provides support services for anyone facing unplanned pregnancy or pregnancy loss and education about human dignity.

Maternity Action
0808 802 0029 - For advice on rights at work and benefits (National except London)
0808 802 0057 - For advice on rights at work and benefits (London residents)
Maternity Action is the UK’s maternity rights charity dedicated to promoting, protecting and enhancing the rights of all pregnant women, new mothers and their families to employment, social security and health care. See website for all services provided.

Miscarriage Association 
01924 200799
Information and support for people affected by the loss of a baby in pregnancy

National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
0300 330 0700
Information and support in pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood.  Callers are put in touch with counselors and/or local and regional contacts for support groups including groups for caesareans and miscarriage.

Pandas Foundation
0808 1961 776
A support group network for men whose wives or partners are suffering from pre or post natal depression.

Sexual Health Helpline
0300 123 7123
Helpline offering information and support on range of sexual health issues including contraception and planning a pregnancy. Holds details of all UK family planning and sexual health clinics.

Tommy’s the baby charity:
helpline staffed by midwives providing non urgent pregnancy related information


Useful Websites
Support to all women who have had a traumatic birth experience.
Infertility and fertility support - leading infertility community in the UK with members at every stage of their journey. Infertility, adoption, parenting, after infertility and moving on.
Help for those facing unplanned pregnancy or following an abortion. Find local centres where you can talk to someone freely and in confidence. 


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