
SupportLine is particularly aimed at those who are isolated, at risk, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse.

Visit our problem page


SupportLine is particularly aimed at those who are isolated, at risk, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse.

Visit our problem page


SupportLine is particularly aimed at those who are isolated, at risk, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse.

Visit our problem page


SupportLine is particularly aimed at those who are isolated, at risk, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse.

Visit our problem page



Agencies which can offer Support and Information

Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline 
0345 6038501
Support for those struggling in the aftermath of abortion 

Abortion Support Network:
Volunteer led organisation that provides financial assistance and accommodation in volunteers homes to women in Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland who are traveling to England to access a safe and legal abortion.

Bpas (abortion care) Actionline:
03457 304030
Helpline support for reproductive choice by providing services to prevent or end unwanted pregnancy with contraception or abortion. Puts people in contact with their nearest consultation centre.

Brook Young People’s Information Service:
Information, support and signposting service for young people under 25 on sexual health, contraception, pregnancy and abortion.

Marie Stopes International:
24 hour advice line 0345 300 8090
Help and advice on contraception, termination of pregnancy, female sterilization and vasectomy. Charges are made for all services.

Useful websites
Help for those facing  unplanned pregnancy or following abortion.

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