Stalking and harassment
Anyone who has ever been stalked and/or suffered harassment knows the devastating effect it has upon feelings of safety, self confidence, self esteem etc.
Everyone should have the right to go about their daily business in safety and without fear. The constant worry of being stalked can take an enormous toll upon your health and emotional state of mind. Nobody has the right to harass you or stalk you and the Police and courts can take action against anyone who is doing such a thing. Never go through this alone but always get support through friends, family, helplines, counsellors, etc.
If you are being stalked or harassed
- Keep a diary of all incidents - dates, times, what occurred, any witnesses to what occurred etc.
- If you report any incidents to the Police, Council etc. keep dates, times, names of person you spoke to and what was said and what action you were told would be taken.
- If you are receiving silent, threatening phone calls contact BT Malicious Callers Bureau. Again, keep dates and times of calls.
- If you do receive malicious calls try not to react, place the phone off the receiver for a few minutes and then replace the receiver without saying anything. Dial 1471 to see if a number has been left. (Don't worry if number is withheld as BT/Police will be able to trace numbers.
- Report all malicious calls to the Police as they will work with BT to trace who is making these calls to you.
- If you are receiving malicious text messages always keep the text message and report this to the Police and your mobile phone network provider.
- If you are being stalked try to avoid going out alone and keep to busy public places.
- Get a personal alarm and carry that with you as well as a mobile phone.
- If you think you are being followed make for a shop to get help. If you are not near a shop then knock on a house and ask the householder to contact the Police.
- If you notice cars following you or outside your house then always take make, model and registration, date, time etc. and report this to the Police if you keep seeing the same car.
- Contact the local Police Crime Prevention Unit to check your house out to see whether there are ways in which it needs to be made safer - stronger locks, window locks, security lighting at back and front etc.
- It may help to contact helplines/counsellor to give you regular emotional support at this time unless you already have a good network around you of support.
- Try not to allow what is happening dominate your life and thoughts. Try and keep to your regular routine, try to do things you enjoy doing and spending time with friends.
- Don't allow the harassment, stalking, to make you think there is anything wrong with you. The person who is doing this to you is disturbed and can be doing it for all sorts of reasons, it could be jealousy, someone who you may have once known and broken contact with, ex lovers, someone who has become fixated with you - there can be many reasons - but remember the problem is with the person doing the stalking/harassment and not YOU.
Agencies and useful websites which provide support, advice, information
Action Against Stalking
0800 840 2427
A Scottish charity supporting victims of stalking
The Cyber Helpline:
Help and advice related to online stalking
Paladin - National Stalking Advocacy Service:
020 3866 4107
Helpline provides advice to victims of stalking and advocacy to high risk victims of stalking, raises awareness of dangers and risks of stalking, develops a victim's network of support as well as providing training to professionals and campaigning.
The National Stalking Helpline:
0808 802 0300
Practical advice and information to anyone who is currently or previously been effected by harassment or stalking.
Revenge Porn Helpline:
0345 6000 459 Mon-Fri 10am-4pm
Emails can be sent any time to - A free resource full of useful information for victims of revenge porn, information about what the law says, what can be done to limit its effects and help from organisations such as Facebook, Twitter and Google, along with links to various resources and support agencies. In October 2014, The Justice Secretary Chris Grayling agreed an amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill.
"It shall be an offence for a person to publish a private sexual image of another identifiable person without their consent where this disclosure causes distress to the person who is the subject of the image."
The Suzy Lamplugh Trust
To create a safer society and enable everyone to live safer lives. Working for the reduction, and fear of, crime against the person through campaigning for policy and legislative change, research, training, and advice
Suzy Lamplugh London Stalking Support Service
Online tool if you are worried someone may be stalking you
Victim Supportline:
0808 168 9111
Helpline for anyone affected by crime
Useful websites
Support and advice for young people on stalking
The Hollie Guard was developed by the Hollie Gazzard Trust which helps to reduce domestic abuse. The Hollie Guard turns your smartphone into a personal safety device. In danger? Shake your phone or tap the screen to generate an alert. Your location and audio/video evidence will automatically be sent to your emergency contacts who can take action to help you quickly.
Met Police Information and advice on stalking and harassment
The vision of this organisation is to change society's perception of stalking and to improve the safety for all victims of stalking and harassment and for perpetrators to be held to account by the Criminal Justice system.
Information and advice on how to report a stalker
Advice and information about stalking written from the victim's perspective.
Women's Aid information on stalking and harassment
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