It is very easy and very common for anyone to get into debt. If you do have financial problems don't just ignore it and hope it will go away - it won't. The worst thing you can do is to ignore letters asking for money as sooner or later you will be sent letters threatening you with legal action and this will only cause you more pressure and distress.
You must get financial advice as soon as possible. Citizens Advice Bureau will help with financial matters and will often write letters on your behalf to companies asking for money. The National Debtline produces an excellent free booklet which gives advice on all kinds of debt including mortgage and rent arrears and what to do if you are threatened with repossession.
It is essential to pay priority debts first - gas, electric, water, mortgage, rent etc. These must come before paying off credit cards or personal loans (except loans secured on property).
The booklet from the National Debtline informs you of your rights. Most credit card/loan companies etc. assume you don't know your rights and they demand money and make threats in many cases which they have no right to do. The booklet explains how to work out your money going out and money coming in - see what is left over, advises you how to work out what is left to give to people you owe money to once you have taken out your priority debts. Don't offer to pay more than you can afford to pay. Keep copies of any letters you send to anyone you owe money to. If you cannot make the full minimum payment offer to pay something even if it is only a token payment.
Look at ways you may be able to cut down on your spending. Charity shops are now very fashionable places to get your clothes and other items so don't discount them. Have a think about if there are any ways you can make extra money e.g. you may have a lot of stuff in your house you don't want or use so maybe think about having a boot sale, if you are talented and artistic and creative - what about selling your items at craft fares, charity fun days etc.
Try not to let financial difficulties come between you and your partner if you are in a relationship, try not to talk about money problems constantly - set aside a certain time each week to talk about money problems and then let it go. Try and work out what to do together - it is no good blaming each other - focus on the solution to the problem.
Get advice and don't ignore the problem - sort things out as soon as you can.
Some agencies who provide information and advice
Breathing Space (Debt Respite Scheme)
If you live in England or Wales, you can get temporary protection from your creditors while you get debt advice and make a plan. This scheme is called 'Breathing Space'. You can get temporary protection for up to 60 days, you will still need to make your debt repayments. If you get it, enforcement action cannot be taken against you; your creditors cannot contact you about debts included in your Breathing Space; your creditors cannot add interest of charges to your debts. If you are getting mental health crisis treatment, your protection from creditors will be longer. It will last for the length of your treatment plus another thirty days.
To apply for the Breathing Space team, you need to talk to a debt adviser. They will submit an application on your behalf if it's the right thing to do. You can find a free debt adviser on the money helper website. It's free to apply for Breathing Space but some debt advisers may charge you a fee. To be eligible you must not have a Debt Relief Order, (DRO), an individual voluntary arrangement, (IVA), an interim order, or be an undischarged bankrupt at the time you apply; not already be using the Breathing Space scheme; not have used the Breathing Space scheme in the last twelve months, unless it was for a mental health crisis.
Business Debtline
Freephone: 0800 197 6026
Service Description
Business Debtline provides free advice to small businesses and people who are self-employed. Their services are available over the phone, through their website and via webchat.
Business Debtline helps people understand their options.
Run by the national charity the Money Advice Trust, Business Debtline offers practical self-help; empowering people to speak to creditors directly and put solutions in place to resolve their business finance and debt problems.
Their website -, contains guides, fact sheets and sample letters, as well as a business and household budget tool.
Business Debtline can give you advice on important business debts such as tax and business rates, and support if creditors take court action. They can help you look at your business finances and decide the next steps to take. For example, they can advise on how best to recover debts from other people or how to close your business if that's the right thing for you. They can also advise you on personal debts such as credit cards and bank loans and help you to budget better.
Business Debtline is completely free, confidential and independent.
A wide range of information packs and fact sheets on debt issues are free to individuals.
Citizen Advice Bureau:
Have bureaux across England, Wales and N. Ireland
for CAB information online
Chartered Institute of Credit Management:
01780 722900
Advice and guidance on all aspects of credit management
Christians Against Poverty
Free help getting out of debt, budgetting and making your money go further
Community Money Advice
Community Money Advice Centres provide free and confidential advice and practical support.
Advisers can help clients to become free while working towards financial stability. Also provide budgetting and money management skills.
Debt Free Advice
0800 808 5700
They are there to help you with any money worries you may have. They will work together with you to prioritise your bills and debts, write letters on your behalf, and advocate for you. They have over 20 Advice Centres across London where you can get face-to-face advice from one of their expert Advisors. Use the map on their website to find your nearest location and check opening times. You can find their Digital Advice Kiosks at an unceasing number of libraries, community centres and food banks. Here you will be supported to connect to one of their expert Advisors via video chat. Use the map on their website to find your nearest Digital Advice Kiosk. If unable to get to one of their advice centres, you can connect with one of their expert Advisors by calling freephone 0800 808 5700 or using their Video Advice service via your smartphone.
0300 200 3300
For advice on tax queries, PAYE codes etc.
Love Your Neighbour
Love Your Neighbour is a national network of churches, charities and other organisations working across towns and cities, to see people helped, communities rebuilt and to inspire a fresh movement of practical love for our neighbour. They identify root causes of poverty and equip people in areas such as debt advice and employment training. They support those in emergency situations through crisis food provision and other immediate help. Check the website to find your local hub.
Money Advice Plus
08081 963699
The Project provides specialist money advice by telephone for anyone who has experienced or is experiencing domestic abuse. This service can be accessed wherever you live in England and Wales. Advisors have special training in safeguarding and will always check if it is safe before calling you back.
Money and mental health support
Money Helper:
0800 011 3797
Helps people manage their money by free, unbiased, independent advice. Independent service set up by government. Also advice on Pensions
Mrs MummyPenny: Personal Finance Expert
Lots of information and tips for saving money
National Debtline
0808 808 4000
Also contact National Debtline by webchat and email - see website for details
Free independent debt advice.
Step Change Debt Charity:
0800 138 1111
Helpline and counselling for people with debt problems. Provide debt management plans which include debt repayment schedules and advice on all aspects of money management.
If you are thinking about debt management as a way of solving your debt problem, make sure you get some impartial advice first. Debt management plans (DMPs) are not suitable for everyone. Also, beware of any company charging fees for arranging your DMP. StepChange Charity will advise you of the best debt solution for your circumstances and if a DMP is right for you, they can provide you with a free debt management plan. For more information visit the StepChange Charity website.
Tax Advice Helpline:
0345 1203779
Telephone advice and information for people needing tax advice who cannot afford to pay an accountant. Also face to face advice service in London
Stop Loan Sharks
0300 555 2222
Advice on how to report a loan shark.
The Insolvency Service CentralEnquiry Line:
Helpline providing initial information regarding insolvency legislation, e.g. bankruptcy, liquidation
Tax Help for Older People
01308 488066
Tax Help for Older People is a charity service providing free, independent and expert help and advice for older people on lower incomes who cannot afford to pay for professional tax advice. With over 420 volunteers and a national call centre, the charity can help you, wherever you are in the UK.
Trussell Trust
01722 580180
Search on website for nearest foodbank - Everyday people in the UK go hungry for reasons ranging from redundancy to receiving an unexpected bill on a low income. Trussell Foodbanks provide a minimum of three days emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis in the UK. Vouchers can be obtained from care professionals such as doctors, health visitors, social workers and Citizen Advice Bureaux.
Lightning Reach portal
Helping you get the financial support you need. If you're struggling financially and need help with money, you may be eligible to apply for supportsuch as grants, benefits, help with bills and local schemes. The secure Lightning Reach portal allows you to find and apply for support from multiple providers quickly and easily.
Money Saving Expert: Grants for low income families
Turn 2 Us
Independent charity which helps people access the money available to them through welfare benefits, grants and other help
Useful websites
Just enter a postcode and choose an advice topic to find tailored information for your area, including details of independent advice organisations who can help you get the advice and support that you need. Advicelocal can help you with questions relating to: welfare benefits and tax credits; council tax, including exemptions and discounts; debt and money advice; housing and homelessness; employment and work issues; disability and social care; and asylum and immigration
Information on available grants for help with utility bills debts
Comparison website of whole range of products and services, insurance, mobiles, energy, loans, travel etc.
Debt Camel looks at debt options and which one is right for you. Independent, impartial and not for profit.
Frontline Debt Advice Links
Lightning Reach portal: Helping you get the financial support you need. If you're struggling financially and need help with money, you may be eligible to apply for supportsuch as grants, benefits, help with bills and local schemes. The secure Lightning Reach portal allows you to find and apply for support from multiple providers quickly and easily.
Clear practical advice and support for people experiencing issues with mental health and money.
Comparison of whole range of products and services, loans, credit cards, mortgages, insurance.
Comparison of different products including insurance, mortgage, loans, credit cards.
shelter also provides information on debt issues
General financial advice and money saving tips.
National charity that helps people in financial hardship to gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services.
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