Autism / HFA/Autism Spectrum Disorder
Agencies providing advice, support and information
ADDISS – The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information & Support Service
020 8952 2800
people friendly information and resources to anyone who needs assistance.
Action for Neurodiversity
Action for Diversity provides autism specialist counselling to those who live with or alongside Asperger’s syndrome/autism and who are struggling and in need of help, with counsellors who have additional experience (either personally or professionally) and/or additional qualifications in autism.
0300 666 9410
A parent-led organisation to help children and young people with speech and language impairments and their families including a helpline, publications, support groups, online message boards.
Ambitious About Autism
national charity for children and young people with autism, provide services including online community and specialist education through the Treehouse School.
Anna Kennedy Online
01895 540187
Anna Kennedy Online promotes their mission of disability equality by developing and delivering training, providing legal advice, social media reach out, roadshows and talks online and around the UK by raising awareness of the challenges faced by people with disabilities and also by its advocacy efforts with and on behalf of the autism community.
Cambian Group
Leading UK provider of specialist services in education, mental health, rehabilitation and learning disabilities.
Contact a Family Helpline:
0808 808 3555
UK wide charity providing advice, information, support for parents of children with disabilities. Also enable parents to get in contact with other families both on a local and national level.
01993 893 560
Guideposts is a UK-based charity working with people in local communities to help them access the support, opportunities and skills they need to overcome social challenges, improve their wellbeing and change their lives.Many of the people they support come from the most disadvantaged groups in our society, including children and adults with additional needs and disabilities, people with mental health problems, older people with dementia and other neuro-degenerative conditions, and the families or carers of all these groups.
Better Connected
Better Connected
Better Connected is a UK-wide social club for anyone with autism or learning difficulties. We organise online events through the week, local meetups and a monthly community magazine!
Registered charity offering free and independent advice to parents of children with special educational needs on local authorities legal duties to assess and provide for children with special educational needs, actions or inaction by local authorities and schools which discriminate against children with disabilities, exclusion of children with special need.
Living Autism:
0800 756 2420
information, advice, resources, on all issues relating to autism
National Autistic Society:
Information on Autism and Aspergers including support groups, respite services, diagnosis, therapeutic approaches etc.
Scottish Autism:
An organisation dedicated to enriching the lives of people with autism. Includes advice, knowledge share seminars, online parent support programme and interactive website about autism -
SAFE (Supporting Asperger Families in Essex):
Parent support groups which meet in the Colchester, Chelmsford, Basildon and Southend areas on a regular basis.
SNAP (Special Needs and Parents):
01277 211300
registered charity that helps Essex families who have children with special needs and disabilities. Aim to encourage and support parents so that they can grow in strength and knowledge and become better equipped to give positive help to their children
Support Dogs
0114 261 7800
Support Dogs (registered charity number 1088281) is a national charity dedicated to saving and improving the lives of children and adults with various challenging medical conditions. They provide, train and support specialist assistance dogs to achieve this.
One of their programmes is providing assistance dogs for autistic children. The dogs are trained to provide safety for the child and reduce stress in social environments.
Vulnerability Registration Service
Free to register, the VRS lets you notify companies that you're vulnerable. You cna ask to be declined for financial services or add a 'referral flag' to let organisations know about your circumstances - so you don't need to keep repeating yourself.
Useful websites
Paul Micallef discovered he had aspergers at the age of 30 and gives in depth insight into living with aspergers.
Autism and Emotions from Purple Ella
Autism and every day life
Site to work through with children and young people how to manage their anger
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