Victim Support
Please see separate sections for crimes relating to Child Abuse Survivors, Rape and Sexual Assault, Hate Crime, Forced Marriage, Stalking.
There are some useful resources listed below.
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority:
0333 3581 999
Deal with compensation claims from people who have been physically or mentally injured because they were the victim of a violent crime in England, Scotland or Wales.
Escaping Victimhood
A charity which provides, unique, support, residential workshops for people whose lives have been disrupted by the trauma of serious crime. The charity has previously specialised in those bereaved by murder and manslaughter. they have now developed programmes to help victims of other offence types.
Murdered Abroad
Helpline: 0845 123 2384
A support group for families, partners and friends of the victims of murder and manslaughter abroad.
SAMM (Support After Murder and Manslaughter):
0121 472 2912
Telephone support line for families and friends of homicide victims.
The Josh Hanson Trust
Expert by Experience Support online or telephone– they offer support to traumatised victims and or witnesses of crime who are struggling to navigate the Criminal Justice System and after a criminal trial. The support provides emotional and practical guidance and advocacy. Beneficiaries are encouraged to attend the monthly art workshop. Run monthly Fine Line Art Workshops in the community for victims of violent crime – each session runs for 4 hours on the last Saturday of each month catering for up to 10-20 adults and young people. Refreshments and lunch are provided, and we provide art kits to all attendees along with access to art tutorials so that they can continue to use art as a coping strategy at home.
Victim Support: (24/7 support)
Victim Support operates a 24/7 Supportline and live chat service, every day of the year, offering specialist emotional and practical support to anyone who has been a victim or a witness. You don't have to report a crime to get help from Victim Support.
If you'd prefer to access interactive self-suport guides visit My Support Space
Telephone: 0808 16 89 111
Live chat:
My Support Space:
All these services are free, confidential and available 24/7
Why Me - Restorative Justice Service
Delivering a service supporting victims of crime and participants through the Restorative Justice process.
Useful websites
Step by step advice for going to court
Information to help parents identify and respond if their children are affected by gangs.
An online resource for knife crime, including the devastating effects on victims and relatives.
Practical information for families affected by mental health homicides in Britain. Around a 100 families a year will have a loved one killed by someone with mental illness.
- Problems A-Z
- Abortion
- Advocacy
- Alcohol
- Anger Management
- Anti social behaviour
- Anxiety
- Armed Services and Ex Services
- Assertiveness
- Autism / HFA/Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Benefits
- Bereavement
- Bereavement Pets
- Bullying - Cyber Bullying
- Bullying at school
- Bullying in the workplace
- Cancer
- Carers
- Child abuse
- Child abuse - Survivors
- Complementary medicine
- Consumer
- Coronavirus - COVID 19
- Cost of Living Crisis
- Counselling
- Debt / Finance
- Depression
- Disability
- Domestic Abuse
- Drugs
- Eating Disorders - Anorexia and Bulimia
- Education
- Ethnic Minority Groups
- Exam stress
- Forced Marriages
- Gambling
- Gender Identity
- Hate Crime
- Health
- Homeless / Housing/Runaways
- Human Trafficking/Modern Slavery/Exploitation
- Internet Safety
- Learning Disability
- Legal Advice
- Live your dreams
- Loneliness
- Mens Support
- Mental Health
- Mindfulness
- Offenders & Family Support
- Older People
- Parents (Talking To)
- Power To Change
- Pregnancy / Infertility Support
- Rape and Sexual Assault
- Refugees / Asylum-Seekers
- Relationships / Family
- Scams
- Self Esteem / Self Confidence
- Self Help
- Self injury / Self harm
- Sexuality
- Sleep Difficulties
- Stalking and harassment
- Street Safety
- Stress
- Suicide
- Support Children & Young People
- Survival Guides
- Terminal Illness
- Trauma
- Unemployment
- Victim Support
- Volunteering