Child abuse - Survivors
This section includes information and support for:
- Adult survivors of abuse
- Male survivors of abuse
- Partners, Families, Friends of survivors of abuse
- Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse
Adult survivors of abuse
If you are an adult who was abused as a child it is possible that you may have never spoken to anyone about this. Many adults keep this a secret well into their adult life and many find that the effect upon them has had devastating consequences not only throughout their childhood but also in their adult life. You may find that you have enormous difficulty in maintaining loving and trusting relationships, you may have low sense of worth and low self esteem, you may suffer from sexual difficulties and depression. In order to try and block out the abuse and to cope you may be drinking heavily, taking drugs, self harming, suffering from eating disorders and may feel suicidal.
It is important to share the way you are feeling with someone you can trust, someone who will be there for you to listen and give you support. Talking about what has happened to you can make an enormous difference and can feel like a great weight being lifted from you.
You may have been abused by a member of your family and that if you have disclosed the abuse that your family members have closed ranks and may have accused you of making it up. It can be easier to blame the survivor than face the fact that someone within the family has abused you. This can make you feel even more isolated and alone.
You may be feeling guilty as this is a very common feeling for survivors to have. You may feel guilty or bad because you didn't say no or do anything to stop the abuse. You did what you had to do to survive and get through it. Some children are looking for love and affection, not to be abused. Nobody asks to be abused. The guilt, badness and shame is always on the head of the abuser - don't take it onto your shoulders.
Many survivors experience nightmares and you may find it helps to write down the nightmare. This helps to get the feelings out instead of keeping them inside you. Many survivors find that writing about their abuse is therapeutic and some survivors may express their feelings through poetry, art, letters, and you may find that talking through what happened through counselling does lead to a reduction in nightmares and flashbacks. Tell yourself that it is only a nightmare, nobody can hurt you now, you are safe, the past cannot hurt you now.
You may feel a general feeling of being unsafe in the world and that everyone out there is going to hurt you. In relation to the abuse and how they think about the abuse it is common for a survivor to be stuck in thinking with their 'child head'. Try and recognise this and when you have feelings of being unsafe, frightened try and tell yourself that you are just thinking with your 'child head' and need to think with your 'adult head' now. As an adult you recognise you are safe, your house is locked, nobody can get in, there are good people in the world and not just people who hurt others, there are people in the world who you can trust, not everyone out there will betray your trust etc. Recognise that what happened was a long time ago and in order to move on you need to start thinking with your 'adult head'.
Flashbacks are common for survivors to experience and these can be triggered off by anything which may remind you of the abuse. When you have a flashback it can seem so real that you actually can feel you are back in the past and the abuse is actually taking place. It is important to remind yourself that you are now an adult and not a child and nobody is hurting you now, you are safe, try and take slow deep breadths and this will help you to feel less anxious and panicky. To bring yourself back into the present there are things which help like stamping your feet on the ground, clapping your hands, look at the room you are in, listen to the sounds you can hear, remind yourself that you are an adult and safe.
Anger is another very common feeling and that anger may have been inside you for a long time. It will help to find a safe way of expressing that anger.
Some people find it helps to write a letter to the person who abused them, saying exactly how they felt about what happened to them and how the abuse has affected their life - you do not have to send the letter (unless you want to and some survivors do and finds this helps) - you can either keep it in a drawer and take it out and read it when you find that anger is building up inside you until you are ready to get rid of that anger and throw the letter away - which means you are no longer holding on to the anger but ready to let it go and not let it affect you for the rest of your life.
Other people may find that pummelling pillows can help get out their anger, ripping up paper, taking up self defence, keep fit, dancing, and talking - letting the anger out is important. You don't need to turn the anger onto yourself - you have done nothing wrong - you need to start taking care of yourself - a person who has been abused needs all the love and support in the world.
You may find it very difficult to trust and that is understandable because your trust has been betrayed. However, if you are to move on with your life you need to learn to trust again. Yes, be cautious but you need to take the risk of trusting again - yes you may get hurt but you are an adult now and you can deal with that - but you may not get hurt - you may find yourself a loving and caring relationship - if you don't open yourself up to trust you will never find that.
You may find that you have difficulty in sexual relationships because this can remind you of the abuse. Talk to your partner, if there is something which makes you feel uncomfortable talk about that, you may need to stop for a while, it may help you for your partner to remind you where you are, you are in the present, you are safe. There are psychosexual counsellors who are especially trained in helping people who have difficulty in sexual relationships and you can learn to build up trust again.
If you are a survivor it means you have strength. Always see yourself as asurvivor and not a victim. Believe in yourself that you have the strength and ability to move forward with your life. You want to get to a stage where the past does not effect your everyday life. As a child who was abused you had no choice what happened to you and were controlled by others. As an adult you do have a choice and can choose which path you take - a path towards negativity, destroying yourself as a person, continually blaming yourself and putting yourself down - or you can choose a path towards healing and recovery - learning to like and love yourself, praise yourself, value yourself, take the blame and guilt off your shoulders, start to be positive, start to achieve what you want to achieve in life, move towards happiness, love, fulfilment. The choice is yours.
You need a lot of support around you. When you have periods when you get very depressed and feel unsafe in the world do something to make yourself feel good, pamper yourself, look after yourself, do something which makes you feel happy. Some people find it helps to have a 'safe box' where they keep anything which makes them feel good and safe - it could be pictures and photos of people they love, photos of places where they went on holiday, pictures which conjure up relaxing and peaceful images (e.g. beaches, countryside, forests, dolphins, waterfalls etc.), it could be a piece of material like velvet which feels good to touch, seashells, pebbles - something which feels good to hold. Cuddling up with a blanket around you and a cuddly toy can often help - do whatever helps you in your recovery and helps you to heal.
You may have a low self esteem and this is not surprising - you may think how can you be worth anything if someone can abuse you. Remember you are worth just as much as anyone else, you are not bad, or worthless. You are a unique and special person who deserves to be loved and cared for. You have to learn to love yourself first. There are ways you can increase your self esteem (see separate pages on this) and counselling will help with this also. Be determined that the past abuse will not destroy the rest of your life - you deserve better than that. Be patient with yourself, healing and recovery can take time but believe in yourself that you have the strength to get there.
It is so common for a survivor to say 'I hate myself, the abuse was my fault, Ididn't do anything to stop it,' - if you ever say that to yourself that is the child part in you thinking as a child would think - STOP - think with your adult head what would you say to a friend who disclosed they had been abused and they thought they were bad and that it was their fault? As an adult would you not say 'no, itwasn't your fault, it was the abusers fault, there was nothing you could do to stopit' - if you would say that to a friend then try and befriend yourself - talk toyourself as you would talk to a friend because then you are talking with your adult head. You can be kind and caring to a friend - be kind and caring to yourself! If it wasn't your friend's fault when they were abused - how on earth can it have been your fault when you were abused? Next time you run yourself down - STOP - and talk to yourself as you would a friend!
Many survivors find it difficult to care for themselves as an adult and if this is difficult for you then it may help to try and focus on the child inside you. Think of the little girl or boy inside you - he/she has done nothing wrong, all the child wants is to be held, to be nurtured, to be cared for, to be loved. When you repeatedly put yourself down, tell yourself you are useless, worthless, a failure, bad……think of the little child inside you who is listening to that, think how they must be feeling. You may have been in a situation where your parent continually put you down and made you feel worthless but are you not doing the same to yourself? Next time you start to run yourself down, stop, think about the child inside you - start to love that child - to say nice positive things, - start to care for the child within you and give it all the love and feelings of safety and reassurance and encouragement that perhaps you never had but longed for. You have the chance now to care for the child within you and that will then help you to care for your adult self.
It is not uncommon for some who have been abused as a child to suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) formerly referred to as multiple personality disorder and further information can be found on this in Resources under First Person Plural
This interview from BBC Women's Hour gives an insight into DID from a sufferer who developed DID as a result of childhood abuse.
Get as much support and help for yourself as you can in your healing and recovery and don't feel that you have to cope alone.
Listed below are some helplines and agencies which can help you and also some websites which give excellent information and support for survivors. Some also include chat rooms and forums where you can speak with other survivors.
(remember do not divulge real name, address, phone number etc. if you go into chat rooms on websites).
Many websites contain excellent support and information for survivors, however, they can also invoke feelings of sadness. It may be best to access sites when you know you will be able to talk to someone or see someone afterwards, for a hug or just to hear a friendly supportive voice. When you feel sad please take care of yourself, cuddle up with a hot drink and blanket or a cuddly toy, take a relaxing bath, watch your favourite film, listen to relaxing music, look at photos and picture which make you feel safe, and make you smile - do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself.
You may also find it helpful to read the sections 'Self Help' 'Live Your Dreams' and 'The Power to Change'.
Reporting an abuser: A survivor of child abuse shares her experience of reporting an abuser
Click to download PDF
Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse will investigate whether public bodies and other non-state institutions have taken seriously their duty of care to protect children from sexual abuse in England and Wales.
We will identify institutional failings where they are found to exist. We will demand accountability for past institutional failings. We will support victims and survivors to share their experience of sexual abuse. And we will make practical recommendations to ensure that children are given the care and protection they need.
The Inquiry is independent of government. It is led by Hon. Lowell Goddard DNZM who is supported by a Panel, a Victims and Survivors Consultative Panel, and other expert advisers.
Check website for further details of Inquiry and for details of how you can share your experiences with them as a victim or survivor.
Agencies which provide information & support to adult survivors of abuse
ACAL (Association of Child Abuse Lawyers)
020 8390 4701
Online support and advice to adult survivors of childhood abuse.
Ann Craft Trust:
0115 951 5400
National information and advice service on all aspects of sexual abuse and exploitation of adults and children with learning difficulties.
Association of Christian Counsellors:
Aurora Foundation for People Abused in Childhood:
020 8541 1951
A charity offering counselling, workshops and support to adult men and women survivors of childhood trauma or abuse. Most of the practitioners are survivors themselves, or partners of survivors. Fees do apply for these services but can be negotiated. Covers Greater London and Home Counties.
Boarding School Survivors Support
To help boarding school survivors understand and recover from their boarding experience
Boarding School Survivors:
Workshops for men and women who wish to re-examine their own experience of boarding school, its effects on their lives and to look for healing.
College of Sexual & Relationship Therapies:
020 8106 9635
Maintain a register of Psychosexual and Relationship Counsellors for help with intimacy difficulties.
Directory and Book Services (DABS):
Books relating to survivors of abuse available by mail order.
Dissociative Identity Disorder information from Survivors Network
First Person Plural: SERVICE NOW CLOSED - information on website
UK wide survivor led association for survivors of trauma and abuse who experience dissociative distress.
If Only
Supporting adult survivors of child sexual abuse with support, information and resources
The Maggie Oliver Foundation
The Maggie Oliver Foundation (TMOF) exists to create a society where survivors and those at risk of childhood sexual abuse and exploitation (CSAE) are empowered to live fulfilled and successful lives, and where every survivor is treated with dignity, respect, and as an equal and valued member of society. The Foundation can provide emotional support and legal advocacy for those who are based in the United Kingdom.
Mind (National Association for Mental Health):
0300 102 1234 Support line
0300 123 3393 Infoline
Publish a booklet 'Understanding Dissociative Disorders'.
Minister and Clergy Sexual Abuse Survivors (MACSAS)
0808 801 0340
support group for women and men from Christian background who have been sexually abused by ministers or clergy as children or as adults.
Moira Anderson Foundation:
01236 602890 (area served Scotland)
Helpline offering advice, support and counselling for survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
NAPAC (National Association for People Abused in Childhood):
Confidential free support line 0808 801 0331
Supporting adults who suffered any type of abuse in childhood.
NSPCC Helpline for Footballers who have experienced sexual abuse
0800 023 2642
PICT Therapists Directory:
Directory of qualified Parks Inner Child Therapists, fast, thorough and gentle therapy model created by the author of 'Rescuing the Inner Child'.
Charity in Scotland. Highly confidential support service to anyone who has experienced ritual or ritualised abuse, or who has experienced childhood trauma resulting in a dissociative condition.
RANS/Izzy's Promise
Website for Ritual Abuse Network Scotland(RANS) and Izzy's Promise. RANS provides information and a safe place to talk for survivors of ritual abuse. Izzy's Promise provides information, resources, and training for agencies that support ritual abuse survivors.
Replenished Life
07746 153703
Independent charity which supports those that have experienced abuse and trauma within faith
Self Injury Support
0808 800 8088
Providing support for anyone who self injures
The 24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line
0808 500 2222 - website and live chat
The 24/7 Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Line is a free phone and online chat service, run by Rape Crisis England & Wales, for anyone aged 16+ in England and Wales who has experienced something sexual that they didn't want, didn't consent to or are feeling confused about - no matter when or where it happened.
The Support Line is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for victims and survivors of any gender.
Specialist staff are there to listen, answer questions and offer emotional support.
020 7383 0700
Helpline, counselling and psychotherapy for children, adults and elders with learning difficulties who are either victims or perpetrators of sexual abuse and other trauma.
Rights of Women: Criminal Law Advice Line:
Advice on sexual offences including rape and sexual assault, reporting offences to the police and the criminal justice system, criminal injuries compensation
01926 402498
National Male Survivor Helpline 0808 800 5005
Help for female and male survivors of rape and sexual abuse.
0808 1000 900
Child Sexual Abuse campaign that aims to provide adults with the information they need to protect children effectively. The campaign also urges adults worried about their own thoughts or behaviour towards children to seek help.
Survivors Trust
0808 801 0818
The Survivors Trust runs a free, national helpline 7 days a week for people aged 16+. They welcome and encourage all survivors of rape or sexual abuse and violence to call their helpline. They are a fully inclusive service, providing safe, non-judgemental support to survivors, their supporters and professionals. When you call them, you'll be warmly greeted by one of their specially trained helpline workers who are there to listen and support you. They give you the time and space to talk about whatever you need to.
Unreal reaches out to people of lived experience of DPRD and their carers and families. They seek to raise awareness of Depersonalisation and Derealisation Disorder, to provide support and to promote involvement through providing up to date information, signposting, networking, the sharing of experiences and by celebrating success.
Depersonalisation Derealisation Disorder (also known as DPD, DPRD, DPDR) is a defence mechanism that the mind employs to help it to cope with too much stress. Many people will experience feelings of Depersonalisation and/or Derealisation at some point in their lives. Feelings of Depersonalisation and Derealisation can be triggered by stress, a traumatic event or substance use.
For some people, these feelings may last minutes or hours but will they will eventually pass. For other people, feelings of Depersonalisation and Derealisation can be recurring or can last much longer. These people may be experiencing Depersonalisation Derealisation Disorder. The organisation provides advice and information and online peer support groups.
Victim Support: (24/7 support)
Victim Support operates a 24/7 Supportline and live chat service, every day of the year, offering specialist emotional and practical support to anyone who has been a victim or a witness. You don't have to report a crime to get help from Victim Support.
If you'd prefer to access interactive self-suport guides visit My Support Space
Telephone: 0808 16 89 111
Live chat:
My Support Space:
All these services are free, confidential and available 24/7
We Stand (formerly called MOSAC)
0800 980 1958
We Stand offers a range of support services and information for families affected by child sexual abuse.
National Helpline and local services in London for children and young people affected by child sexual abuse.
Useful websites for all survivors of abuse
Some sites also have information and support specifically for male survivors - Support service for adult boarding school survivors. Group of accredited psychotherapists and trained counsellors who specialise in working with boarding school survivors – a site from the perspective of a child abuse survivor offering hope, support and information to all survivors of childhood abuse. Raising awareness of child abuse and the consequences in later life as well as campaigning on these important issues.
Step by step advice for going to court
Directory of services for those affected by child sexual abuse in England and Wales. - support and information for survivors of childhood sexual abuse including section for male survivors and also for partners of survivors. - Information, support and resources for survivors of abuse and those who care for them
Survivors and whistleblowers seeking justice and healing for Islington victims of organised and institutional abuse.
isurvive is an online abuse survivor support group. They are a volunteer driven organisation with a team composed of people from the United States, Australia, Europe and the UK. they offer resources and forums where adult survivors of child abuse and their loved ones can seek support. - A survivor's site includes forum, chat room and information
Information and advice on reporting for survivors of childhood abuse
RASCAT - Recovering Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse and Trauma
A source of information and hope for all
Support for victims of abuse suffered in Lambeth children's homes - Rape and sexual assault centres providing range of services for victims of rape and sexual assault
Useful book
Silhouette of a Songbird by Elizabeth Shane
Elizabeth is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. The traumatic effects of this left many emotional scars as well as complex PTSD, in a life often hidden by silence. Throughout different stages of her recovery, Silhouette of a Songbird witnesses Elizabeth's personal struggle on her journey to unlock the pain of reclaiming her voice through the power of poetry. By sharing her own experience, she hopes this will provide support and strength to others who have suffered similar childhood trauma, with the knowledge that they are understood and not walking through the storm alone.
click here to read more or buy this book
Rainbow of Promise is Elizabeth's second book
The Courage To Heal: A Guide To Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis - Publishers Vermilion: ISBN 0091884209
Click here to read more or buy this book
New Shoes: Stepping out of the Shadow of Sex Abuse and Living Your Dreams by Rebecca Mitchell: Includes practical steps for change and breaking negative behaviour patterns.
Click here to read more or buy this book
Male survivors of abuse
A male survivor of childhood or adult abuse will experience the same feelings as a female survivor. In addition he may experience feelings around his sexuality and his 'manliness' which can often make it even more difficult for the survivor to open up to someone else and get the help and support he needs.
A male survivor may have feelings of weakness, he may feel as a male he should have prevented the abuse from happening. When fear takes over a person can freeze and if the person doesn't actively resist the abuse they should not see co-operation as consent to be abused, in reality anyone who is abused has to do whatever they need to do to survive. Nobody asks to be abused.
A male survivor may have feelings of guilt because he may have got an erection and may have ejaculated. This does not mean the person enjoyed the experience and is simply an automatic response from the body when it is stimulated in certain areas so in no way should the survivor ever take the blame on his shoulders - the feelings of guilt, shame and blame should be on the head of the abuser - never the survivor's.
A male survivor may have confusion around his sexuality believing that if another man has had sex with him it may mean he is gay. In reality both heterosexual and gay men get abused and it does not mean a heterosexual man becomes gay if he is abused by another man.
A male survivor should not see asking for help as a sign of weakness - recognising when you are not coping and need some support and help is a sign of strength and a sign that you value yourself enough to take care of yourself.
Here are agencies who you can turn to for support and information and counsellors who will help you to work through this. It is important you get your feelings out and not hold onto them in order that you can move forward and not let the abuse impact on your everyday life.
Agencies which provide support and information specifically for male survivors
0808 500 2222
A website for men affected by unwanted sexual experiences. Provides self help resources, information and encouragement to self refer into local services.
Produced by a collaboration of support services and delivered by Mankind
NSPCC Helpline for Footballers who have experienced sexual abuse
0800 023 2642
Male Survivors Trust:
Support and information to adult male survivors of child sexual abuse and adult rape, includes male survivors forum.
The 24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line
0808 500 2222 - website and live chat
The 24/7 Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Line is a free phone and online chat service, run by Rape Crisis England & Wales, for anyone aged 16+ in England and Wales who has experienced something sexual that they didn't want, didn't consent to or are feeling confused about - no matter when or where it happened.
The Support Line is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for victims and survivors of any gender.
Specialist staff are there to listen, answer questions and offer emotional support.
Helpline for male survivors of rape and sexual abuse 0808 800 5005
Survivors UK
0203 598 3898 Webchat
Helps male survivors of childhood sexual abuse and adult sexual assault/rape. Helpline is now delivered online, by text or by email only.
Opening hours are Monday to Sunday 12pm to 8pm
Trauma Counselling Line Scotland:
08088 020406
confidential telephone counselling service for male survivors of childhood abuse.
Also check agencies and websites under Adult Survivors
Useful books and Podcasts
Victims No Longer: A Classic Guide for Men Recovering from Sexual Abuse by Mike Lew
Victims No Longer: A Classic Guide for Men Recovering from Child Sexual Abuse
Andy Jeffery: Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse, PTSD and Alcoholism
School of Rock Bottom: Podcasts with Actor, and mental health coach Oliver Mason.
Andy's heartbreaking story is the most remarkable journey of hope, recovery, inspiration and healing. Despite suffering in his childhood and having many rock bottoms - he shares how he turns it all around and goes on to enjoy a fantastic life, career and dedicates his time helping fellow survivors. The word 'hero' can be used lightly but no one deserves this title more than Andy.
A Small Boy Smiling: Matt Carey
A Small Boy Smiling, Andy tells a remarkable story of survival and how he has overcome the trauma, guilt and shame of childhood sexual abuse, teenage alcoholism, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Partners, Families, Friends of survivors of abuse
If your partner has recently disclosed to you that they were abused you may well be in a state of shock, disbelief, confusion and not knowing what to do, how to help, what to say etc.
You may also be experiencing an enormous amount of anger against the person who abused your loved one. There may be anger also towards your partner that maybe you felt they should have told you sooner.
At this time your partner will also be feeling very unsure of themselves, unsure how you will react, unsure whether you will believe them (when perhaps others haven't), unsure whether you will blame them, unsure whether it will change the way you see them, change your love for them, change the relationship you have together).
It is important to recognise that your partner has put in you an enormous amount of trust by telling you about they have been abused which is a very difficult thing to do.
A survivor has to be ready to disclose abuse in their own time - do not take this personally and be upset that they may not have told you sooner - survivors cope with life in many cases by blocking off and denying the abuse - that is how they get through each day, how they get on with their lives - by admitting the abuse to another person they are having to face the reality of the abuse and sometimes that can be very difficult for a survivor to do.
Recognise and accept that you cannot take away your partner's pain, you cannot make it all better, you cannot force them to get help, and never force them to divulge details of the abuse to you unless they choose to. Many survivors find it easier to talk about the abuse to someone not known to them like a helpline, counsellor, trusted friend - again do not take this personally - your partner needs to talk about this openly with someone and may not be able to do that with someone they are close to and love - they may hold back for fear of upsetting their partner and may find it difficult to talk about explicit details for fear of it affecting their relationship with you.
When a survivor is abused all control is taken from them. It is natural that you may feel you want to take control now of the situation to help them, get them to see a counsellor, get them to talk, etc. However, that is the worse thing you can do. You must let the survivor work through this in their own time and in their own way. They need to be ready to get help and to work through what has happened to them. They need to stay in control.
Disclosing abuse to a partner can effect a survivor in many ways - they may pull back from intimacy, they may pull back from affection or they may want more intimacy and/or more affection. Again don't take it personally if your partner has times when they don't want to be touched and cannot cope with intimacy. Always reassure your partner they are safe and you are there for them.
Useful websites for Partners/Families/Friends of Survivors
Information from DABS for partners of survivors of childhood abuse
click on Friends/Family – Partners & Loved Ones of Survivors
What you can do is to be there for your partner if they want to talk, if they want affection, if they want intimacy. It may help to reassure your partner -
- I'm here if and when you want to talk
- This doesn't change in any way my love for you or how I feel about you
- Is there anything I can do to help you deal with this?
- What do you need from me?
- I'm here if you need me.
Try to keep doing things together you enjoy doing, try not to let the past abuse dominate your lives. A walk in the park or getting out in the countryside can be a therapeutic thing to do together - to remind you both that there is beauty and good things in the world - be at one with nature.
Survivors can and do heal from the abuse they suffered in their past and will need a lot of caring, patience, support, love from their partners while on their journey to recovery.
If you are a partner of a survivor you may well need support and someone to talk to for yourself. Many of the agencies/helplines and websites listed above also offer support, information and help for partners so make full use of these.
useful information for partners, friends and family of survivors
Trauma Talk:
If you are in a relationship with someone who was previously sexually abused or assaulted, here are some things you might want to know about, and some specific ways you can help them heal.
Trauma Talk
Trying to navigate relationships after trauma can be a challenge for both partners - and there is little support for those who are on the supporting side. In this video, I discuss principles and ideas on how best to help and support your traumatized or struggling partner while still taking care of yourself.
Useful books
Allies In Healing: When The Person You Love was Sexually Abused As a Child by Laura Davies - Publishers Harper Collins: ISBN 0060968834
Click here to read more or buy this book
See also:
- Problems A-Z
- Abortion
- Advocacy
- Alcohol
- Anger Management
- Anti social behaviour
- Anxiety
- Armed Services and Ex Services
- Assertiveness
- Autism / HFA/Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Benefits
- Bereavement
- Bereavement Pets
- Bullying - Cyber Bullying
- Bullying at school
- Bullying in the workplace
- Cancer
- Carers
- Child abuse
- Child abuse - Survivors
- Complementary medicine
- Consumer
- Coronavirus - COVID 19
- Cost of Living Crisis
- Counselling
- Debt / Finance
- Depression
- Disability
- Domestic Abuse
- Drugs
- Eating Disorders - Anorexia and Bulimia
- Education
- Ethnic Minority Groups
- Exam stress
- Forced Marriages
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- Live your dreams
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- Mindfulness
- Offenders & Family Support
- Older People
- Parents (Talking To)
- Power To Change
- Pregnancy / Infertility Support
- Rape and Sexual Assault
- Refugees / Asylum-Seekers
- Relationships / Family
- Scams
- Self Esteem / Self Confidence
- Self Help
- Self injury / Self harm
- Sexuality
- Sleep Difficulties
- Stalking and harassment
- Street Safety
- Stress
- Suicide
- Support Children & Young People
- Survival Guides
- Terminal Illness
- Trauma
- Unemployment
- Victim Support
- Volunteering