
SupportLine is particularly aimed at those who are isolated, at risk, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse.

Visit our problem page


SupportLine is particularly aimed at those who are isolated, at risk, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse.

Visit our problem page


SupportLine is particularly aimed at those who are isolated, at risk, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse.

Visit our problem page


SupportLine is particularly aimed at those who are isolated, at risk, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse.

Visit our problem page


Coronavirus (COVID-19)

SupportLine's work supporting vulnerable people with concerns over Covid-19 is funded and supported by:

Awards for All, The Archer Charitable Trust, Groundworks, Crisis, City Bridge Trust

We are very grateful for their support in enabling us to expand our work due to the pandemic as demands for our service continues to grow. 

This is an extremely worrying time for everyone and in particular those who are elderly, those with physical and mental health issues and people who live alone and may be isolated.

We hope the following information will be useful to everyone and a means of support to those who may need help from others. (We will regularly be adding content to this page).

If anyone is in need of assistance and unable to find help in their local area from the support services below, please contact us at

This section includes information relating to:

  • General Information and Advice from the Government
  • General Advice and Information Employers, Employees, Businesses, Claiming Benefits, Charities
  • Support: Practical/General
    Support: Domestic Abuse
    Support: Carers 
  • Support: Victims/Survivors of Sexual Violence and Abuse
  • Support: Disability
  • Support: Older People
  • Support: Children and Young People
  • Support: Bereavement
    Support: Homelessness
  • Support: Well Being and Mental Health
  • Stories of Hope, Positivity and Inspiration
  • Relaxation
  • Visualisation
  • Mindfulness
  • Laughter Therapy
  • Self Care
  • Home Exercise
  • Connecting with Nature and Wildlife at Home
  • Grow Your Own Fruit and Vegetables
  • Volunteering during the Coronavirus
  • Online Learning
  • Free Online Games and Quizzes
  • Music, Arts and Culture
  • Recipes/Food
  • Useful Cleaning Tips


General Information about Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Government Advice and Information


Government general information and advice

Government information on living safely with respiratory infections including Covid-19

Government guidance for People previously considered clinically extremely vulnerable from Covid-19

Scotland Government:

Ireland Government:

orthern Ireland Government:

Wales Government:

NHS Advice and Information

NHS general information and advice

NHS 111
Check if you have Coronavirus symptoms, how to avoid catching or spreading the virus, stay at home information

NHS What do do if you have or might have Coronvirus (Covid-19)

NHS How to wash your hands thoroughly

NHS Coronavirus (Covid-19)

NHS Live Well: Advice and Information on diet, exercise, mental health and wellbeing

General Advice and Information: Employers, Employees, Businesses, Claiming Benefits, Charities

Government Advice on reducing the spread of respiratory infections, including Covid-19, in the workplace

ACAS Coronavirus advice for Employees

ACAS Working From Home

BBC Five Ways to Work Well from Home

Stylist: Working From Home

How to Combat Loneliness when working from home


Charity Tax Group: Coronavirus information hub for charity tax and finance professionals


Support: Practical/General

There is support out there for people who are vulnerable who may need some help at this time, perhaps may need shopping, medication collected, letters posted, or a friendly chat on the phone to help with feelings of isolation and fears and anxiety about the Coronavirus.

A national register is being set up and people can register if they are vulnerable and will need assistance during this time.

There are many local schemes set up by volunteers covering local areas or local streets. Some of these can be accessed through social media such as facebook groups, WhatsApp and other social media. It is important that neighbours look after each other and ensure that nobody is left feeling isolated at this time.

National Register for People Who Are Extremely Vulnerable

Register if you have a medical condition that makes you extremely vulnerable to coronavirus. For example, you’ll be able to ask for help getting deliveries of essential supplies like food.

If you’re not sure whether your medical condition makes you extremely vulnerable, register anyway.

You can register yourself, or on behalf of someone else.

If you know it, it’s useful to have your NHS number to hand. You can find it on any letter the NHS has sent you or on a prescription.

This service is available in England. If you do not live in England, check the website for details relating to Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales

Covid-19 Mutual Support UK

Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK are a group of volunteers aiming to support the network of local community groups organising to support people through the corona-virus pandemic. There are now thousands of local groups across the country.
Check the website to find details of your local group.

Information on support in your local area may also be on the local Council website and also local papers may be listing local support services.

You will find on this site separate sections relating to various issues including Depression, Anxiety, Stress which include other National Helplines and useful websites which can be used for support.


Support: Sexual Violence and Abuse

The Coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions placed on freedom of movement can place enormous stress and difficulty for anyone who may be at risk from sexual abuse and it is important to know that there is support out there. Although many of the face to face services and support groups are currently suspended many agencies are still offering telephone, email, and online face to face support.

If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and ask for the police - the police will continue to respond to emergency calls

If you are in danger and unable to talk on the phone, call 999 and then press 55. This will transfer your call to the relevant police force who will assist you without you having to speak.

We are aware how much this is having an impact on some survivors of childhood abuse and bringing back or heightening flashbacks and memories from the past. 

Abuse is all about control and those who have suffered at the hands of an abuser can feel helpless and not in control of their own lives, so managing restrictions in movement and what can and cannot be done can for some bring up feelings of not being in control of their own lives. 

It is important not to feel alone or isolated and to reach out for help from the many services which are out there. On this page we have information relating to self care, mental health and well being which we hope will help anyone struggling on  a day to day basis. We know how hard it can be for survivors of abuse to trust others when they have been so damaged by their abusers, and often further damaged by the system which has let them down when the abuse was reported, or by families who may not have believed them when they disclosed the abuse. 

SupportLine provides emotional support to all those affected by sexual abuse, whether recent or in the past, and also keeps a database of specialist services across the UK. 

Information on specialist services can also be found here:

Survivors Trust: For information on specialist services

NAPAC (National Association for People Abused in Childhood)
0808 801 0331

Rape Crisis
0808 500 2222

Rape and Sexual Assault Referral Centres

Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs) are specialist medical and forensic services providing free of charge, non-judgmental advice and support for anyone (women, men, young people and children) who has been raped or sexually assaulted.

SARCs are comfortable environments, providing a safe and private space for interviews and forensic examinations, and some may also offer sexual health and counselling services. Specialist staff are trained to help regardless of when or where the incident happened and will help the victim/ survivor make informed decisions about what they want to do next.

SARCs remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic, with services provided in person or remotely (over the phone or via video conference) depending on a person’s needs. 

National Male Survivor Helpline
0808 800 5005

The National Male Rape and Sexual Abuse webchat support service

Galop - for members of the LGBT+ community
If you are a member of the LGBT+ community and experienced sexual assault, abuse, or violence, Galop runs a specialist helpline
0800 999 5428

Support if you are worried about hurting someone

If you have concerns that you may commit sexual abuse or sexual violence yourself or are concerned about another person’s behaviour, or a child’s behaviour you can contact:

Stop It Now
0808 1000 900

Support: Domestic Abuse

It is recognised that those affected by Domestic Abuse are extremely vulnerable during this time with some means of support such as workshops, programmes and support groups not available to victims of domestic abuse. Self isolation and social distancing means that support available from families and friends is not available in the same way and victims who may have escaped to others houses to get away from abuse at home, are no longer able to do so. Many victims living with abusive partners may have had some respite when a partner was out at work or they themselves working and now finding themselves at home with little escape from an abusive partner. 

If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and ask for the police, the police will continue to respond to emergency calls

If you are in danger and unable to talk on the phone, call 999 and then press 55. This will transfer your call to the relevant police force who will assist you without you having to speak.

A number of Helplines are still available for anyone affected by domestic abuse to contact and Women's Aid also have support through a Survivors forum and Live Chat.

Government Coronavirus Advice: Support for Victims of Domestic Abuse

Government Covid19: Guidance for Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Provision

Women's Aid:

National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Freephone 24-hour 0808 2000 247

Rights of Women: Advice for Women in England & Wales on Criminal Law

Respect Mens Advice Line for Male Victims of Domestic Abuse
0808 8010 327

SupportLine: General Information and Useful Resources on Domestic Abuse

Support if you are worried about hurting someone

If you are worried about domestic abuse and hurting the ones you love while staying at home, call:

Respect Helpline -For help with managing your behaviour 
0808 8024040

Support: Carers 

Information and Resources for Carers during the Coronavirus pandemic 

Government Advice:  Infection Prevention and control in adult social care Covid-19 supplement

Carers Uk: Information, Help and Support
CarersUK Helpline: 0808 808 7777 Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm

Rally Round
Rally Round is an app used to co-ordinate caring task between friends and family. It is currently being offered free of charge.

SupportLine: General information and resources for Carers

Support: Disability

The Coronavirus pandemic has brought anxieties and fears for all sections of the community not least of all those with disabilities. The following links contain a whole host of useful information and advice on coping with the Coronavirus and essential information 

Government information: Supporting Disabled People Through the Coronavirus Outbreak

AbilityNet support disabled and older people to use technology. They can advise on what technology might support a client, but also provide remote support to clients who need assistance.


Learning Disability Wales

SupportLine: Information and Useful Resources

SupportLine: General Information and Useful Resources on Disability

Support: Older People

The Government have said that older people are more vulnerable to the Coronavirus and many are struggling with isolation away from family.

If any older person is struggling and needs practical help with shopping or medication  please contact SupportLine and we will try and find a local community group to assist you. 

Some excellent information and advice on these links.

Age UK:

Advice Line: 0800 678 1602

Independent Age
Helpline: 0800 319 6789

Silver Line:
Free confidential helpline 0800 4 70 80 90
Providing friendship, information, advice

SupportLine General Information and Resources relating to Older People

Support: Children and Young People 

Online book explaining the Coronavirus to Children illustrated by Gruffalo illustrator Axel Scheffler:

Childline: Information and advice on the Coronavirus 
Helpline: 0800 1111

Childline: articles, videos, games, advice

Save The Children:
Relaxation activities to do at home with kids
From Total Insight Theatre, a short verbatim film spotlighting young people's mental health during lockdown. Also some short clips providing advice and support filmed in a variety of counsellors homes.

Chorley Guardian: Fun Activities to do with Children

actuallymummy: Activities for teenagers to do during lockdown

The Mix
Support and information to the Under 25s 
Everything you wanted to know about the Coronavirus and fun things to do at home 

Young Minds:
Support for Young People and Parents 

BBC Newsround:
Information, advice, games for children and young people 

Calm Harm free app provides tasks to help you manage the urge to Self Harm

Catch It free app - Making Sense of your Moods

SupportLine general information on support resources for children and young people

Support: Bereavement

We are hearing about an enormous amount of deaths due to the Coronavirus and each death brings trauma and pain for the loved ones left behind, with some being unable to even be at their loved one's side at that time. Not only is their the trauma of the death but also struggling with the stipulations placed on funeral gatherings and the feelings of loss, guilt, isolation that so many of the bereaved will be feeling. 

More now than ever it is so important to get as much support as possible from family and friends and from the services which are there to support those in need.

Government Advice:

What To Do When Someone Dies

Bereavement Support Payment

Help with Funeral Costs

Sudden Bereavement Helpline 
0800 2600 400

At a Loss: Dealing with Bereavement and Grief during the COVID-19 pandemic

National Association of Funeral Directors: Funeral Advice

Government Advice: After a Death

Childhood Bereavement Network: Supporting Children and Young People

Cruse Bereavement Care
0808 808 1677

Sue Ryder Online Bereavement Support
Service description (if needed): “Sue Ryder’s Online Bereavement Support makes it easy to connect with the right support from your own home. Whether you’re looking for one-to-one professional support, to talk to others in similar situations, or to read expert information resources, you can access support for free on your computer, tablet or smartphone.”

SupportLine General Information and Resources on Bereavement


Streetlink - StreetLink exists to help end rough sleeping by enabling members of the public to connect people sleeping rough with the local services that can support them


Support: Well Being and Mental Health

This is a time which is going to affect the way we live for a while and we are all going to have to adjust to a different way of life. It is important to follow advice from the Government and NHS in order that we can all protect ourselves and others as much as possible.

It is natural we will have anxieties and fears about the situation and for those already suffering with anxiety and depression they may find that additional support is needed.

With so much news coming out and regular updates everything can seem overwhelming and it may be an idea to limit the amount of news on the Coronavirus that you are listening to.

It is important to build into your day if possible some kind of routine and find things that you can do to focus your attention on. This could be getting involved in an interest or hobby, learning a new language, spending time colouring, painting, writing, listening to music, embroidery, knitting, other crafts, finishing the jobs around the home you never get round to doing, and perhaps find new things to fill your time with.

The Government is presently permitting people to leave their home once a day for exercise and being out in the fresh air and around nature can be good for our well being and mental health. If you go out to exercise maintain the Government advice on social distancing. If staying in and self isolating if well enough to do so try and maintain some exercise at home. Try and sit by a window to get light and feeling of space and being close to nature can reduce stress and feelings of being closed in. If you are able to get out into the garden so much the better and focus on the birds, the space around you, and enjoy the sunshine when it is out.

If you find yourself continually worrying about the Corona virus try not to let this dominate your day. Designate yourself a Worry Hour, not too soon before bedtime, where you can think about your worries during that time and when that time is over try and focus on something else. This is a way of trying to contain and take control of the anxiety rather than let the anxiety control you.

Share concerns with family and friends, even though social distancing may mean keeping apart from loved ones, use the phone, email, social media, skype to keep in contact.

With such depressing news coming out remember also the acts of kindness going on out there, with people putting themselves out to help others.

Try to include in your day something you enjoy doing.

Try and look after your physical health as much as possible, eat as healthily as you can and make sure you get enough sleep. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

You will find on this website sections with more detailed information relating to depression, anxiety, stress and self help and other issues which may be useful at this time. These sections also list other national helplines which can be used for support.

Advice on Well Being and Mental Health

NHS Every Mind Matters

NHS Breathing Exercise for Stress

ABLEize Directory of Mental Health Advice & Support during Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Anxiety UK
Information on anxiety and coronavirus

Law Stop Advice Line
020 8150 2588
Support in all community care matters, which have seen recent changes since the passing of the Coronavirus Act 2020.
This is a new nationwide service, hoping to reach all vulnerable and affected individuals, safeguarding the rights of our communities. 

Macmillan Cancer Support

Age UK

The Recovery College: Free Online Course in response to the Coronavirus Pandemic
Information and Advice on a range of issues including Mental Health and Wellbeing

SupportLine: General Information and Useful Resources on Mental Heath

SupportLine: General Information and Useful Resources on Anxiety

SupportLine: General Information and Useful Resources on Self Help


With so much concerning and distressing news around us about the Coronavirus it can be of help to our overall wellbeing to balance that news with news which is about hope, positivity, and inspirational.

Action for Happiness charity website includes Coping Calendar, Happiness Programme and Talks from Inspiring Speakers

Inspirational and Motivational Songs

Uplifting Stories


Beaumont Hospital Dublin Psychology Department: Mindfulness and Relaxation

NHS Breathing Exercises for Stress

SoothingRelaxation: Beautiful Relaxing Music: Peaceful Piano Music and Guitar Music

TopRelaxMusic: Morning on the River and the Gentle Singing of Spring Birds

Meditation and Relaxation: Healing Songs of Dolphins and Whales: Deep Meditative Music for Harmony of Inner Peace


Try to spend some time each day on visualisation techniques.  Sit where you are quiet and relaxed and will not be disturbed.  Close your eyes, and imagine a relaxing scene, could be spending time with friends, could be a lovely place on holiday, walking through the countryside, etc., Focus on that image and make the image as detailed and vivid as you can, e.g. if you imagine relaxing on the beach,  imagine the warmth of the sand under your feet and how that feels, imagine the warmth of the sun on your body and how that feels, notice the colour of the sea, the sounds the waves make.

If you imagine walking through the countryside imagine the sounds of the birds you may hear, what the breeze feels like on your face, the shape of the trees and leaves, the colours of the trees and leaves, how it feels walking along in the peace and quiet.
If you imagine you are out enjoying yourself with friends, imagine what your friends are wearing, what they are saying, how they are laughing, imagine how good and safe you feel being with them.

Make the images as real and detailed as you can and imagine the feelings of safety, contentment, warmth, happiness you feel.  Focus on that good feeling, how the feeling goes through your entire body relaxing you and making you feel calm and safe.

If you like while you have the image you can try a physical reminder of the image, like for example tapping your knee, or pressing your first finger against your thumb while thinking of this lovely image.

Practice this exercise every day and then when you feel depressed, anxious, stressed, panicky, or having flashbacks, recall this lovely image, if you use a physical aid to help you like pressing your thumb against your finger do that to help you recall the image and let the feelings of safety, warmth, contentment, spread over you and keep focusing on that image to calm your mind.   


Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

While mindfulness is something we all naturally possess, it’s more readily available to us when we practice on a daily basis.

Whenever you bring awareness to what you’re directly experiencing via your senses, or to your state of mind via your thoughts and emotions, you’re being mindful. And there’s growing research showing that when you train your brain to be mindful, you’re actually remodeling the physical structure of your brain.

The goal of mindfulness is to wake up to the inner workings of our mental, emotional, and physical processes.

It can be easy to rush through life without stopping to notice much.

Paying more attention to the present moment – to your own thoughts and feelings, and to the world around you – can improve your mental wellbeing.

Mindfulness is a technique you can learn which involves making a special effort to notice what's happening in the present moment (in your mind, body and surroundings) – without judging anything. It has roots in Buddhism and meditation, but you don't have to be spiritual, or have any particular beliefs, to try it.

It aims to help you:

  • become more self-aware
  • feel calmer and less stressed
  • feel more able to choose how to respond to your thoughts and feelings
  • cope with difficult or unhelpful thoughts
  • be kinder towards yourself.

Many people find practising mindfulness helps them manage their day-to-day wellbeing, but it doesn't always work for everyone (see our page on is mindfulness right for me?)

Calm: Daily Calm | 10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation | Letting Go

Laughter Therapy

With all the concerns and anxieties around the Coronavirus it is important we all do what we can to boost our health and well being and laughter is a great way of doing that. Laughter has many health benefits including relaxing our bodies and boosting our immune systems and is a way of boosting our mood and having fun.

Watching funny films, comedians, telling each other jokes, funny stories is a positive way of coping while so much stress and anxiety surrounds us, and you may find you enjoy a Laughter Yoga Session too.

Laughter Yoga Session with Bianca Spears

Information on the many benefits of laughter from the Help Guide

Self Care

Now more than ever it is so important for us all to practice Self Care, actively doing what we can to take care of our emotional, physical and mental health. Thse are just e few are just a few examples of what we can do to take care of ourselves.

  • Eat as healthily as you can and avoid skipping meals
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Ensure you get enough sleep
  • Social Interaction: make use of telephone, emails, skype, facebook, twitter, WhatsApp etc.
  • Talk about worries, fears, concerns with others
  • Take a warm relaxing bath
  • Cuddle up with a blanket and cuddly toy
  • Read a book
  • Watch some dvds
  • Write down how you feel
  • Sit by an open window to take in the fresh air
  • Sit in the garden and listen to the birds
  • Watch the birds feeding and building a nest
  • Take photos of birds, butterflies, flowers, plants
  • Get involved in a hobby you enjoy
  • Listen to music
  • Go for a walk, cycle ride, run,  remembering about social distancing
  • Play an enjoyable game
  • Practice Mindfulness/Meditation
  • Get close to Nature
  • If living with others it may be hard to get some time and space alone but talk to other family members about getting some time and space to yourself each day.

Some Self Care Advice from the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families

Home Exercise

Regular daily exercise is important to try and maintain as much as possible. Exercise is good for our well being and mental health and also to help us maintain physical health too.

10 Minute Workouts from Public Health England

Exercise videos from NHS Fitness Studio

Some Excellent Videos here from the British Heart Foundation.

Strength and Flexibility Exercises

10 Minute Living Room Workout

Joe Wickes Blue Peter Workout

Joe Wickes the Body Coach: daily workouts


Connect with Nature and Wildlife at Home

Connecting with nature and wildlife can have a positive effect on our overall wellbeing and mental health. We can still connect with nature and wildlife from our homes, our gardens and online. At this time of year new plants are growing and birds are begining to make their nests. We may find that this has a positive effect on our overall mood, gives us something to focus on and a welcome distraction from the news about the Coronavirus.

How to Attract Birds to Your Garden: Vine House Farm

Essex Wildlife Trust: Over the next few months, things will be a little different across the UK, but that doesn't mean we can't connect with nature. It is proven that a daily dose of nature improves your mental health, so we've got a few hints, tips, and activities to help you stay wild at home.

Wildlife Trust: Watch the Wildlife in Action: Ospreys, puffins, peregrines, owls...and more! Watch wildlife on webcams provided by Wildlife Trusts across the British Isles. Webcams allow an unrivaled view of intriguing behaviours: from courtship, nesting, and hatching to a peep into the first few weeks of a chick's life. Be warned - it's addictive viewing! Please be aware that webcams may not be live year-round.

Fantastic live footage from the Aspinall Foundation who bring the Parks to you:
Check out the Lion enclosure, Tigers, Cheetahs and more!

This little guy is hungry! Hedgehog Visits: Wildlife Paul

Grow Your Own Fruit and Vegetables 

The current Coronavirus pandemic has made many people think about growing their own fruit and vegetables as a way of being self sufficient and reducing the amount of times they need to go out.

Metro News: 
Coronavirus lockdown UK: How to grow your own food in small spaces instead of stockpiling

Daisy Creek Farms with Jag Singh: 14 Store Bought Vegetables & Herbs You Can Regrow

Project Diaries: How To Collect Tomato Seeds

Project Diairies: How To Grow Tomatoes from Seed

Project Diaries: How to Grow Strawberries from Seed

RHS: Free Grow Your Own App

mperial War Museum: Ministry of Agriculture: From the Archive, Dig for Victory: An interesting helpful video on how people grew their own food in 1941

BFI: Ministry of Agriculture: Making a Compost Heap in 1941

Volunteering To Help with Coronavirus Support

If you are well and not suffering any symptoms of Coronavirus and would like to help in your local community you can contact agencies below to offer help. Also check with your local Council who may also be organising volunteers and if a member of facebook some communities are setting up their own local support. This could involve collecting shopping and medications for those who are vulnerable and those who are self isolating, posting letters for people, making a phone call to someone who may be isolated to offer a listening ear and support.

Lots of information about how you can help during the Coronavirus including links to organisations such as Local Volunteer Centres, NAVCA, Do-it, British Red Cross, and the Trussell Trust and Fairshare.

Covid-19 Mutual Support UK
Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK are a group of volunteers aiming to support the network of local community groups organising to support people through the corona-virus pandemic. There are now thousands of local groups across the country

Age UK - Neighbourly Volunteering Information

NHS Volunteers to help support the Coronavirus pandemic: General Information

NHS Volunteers to help support the Coronavirus pandemic: Application Form


If you need a Food Bank's help because you have no money for food, please find your local food bank on this link

Cooking for Kids: Easter Cornflake Cakes: Delicious cornflake cakes with a special twist for Easter

Cooking for Kids: Delicious Cherry Cookies

Cooking for Kids: Who could resist these lovely Flapjacks!

Cooking for Kids: Chopped Dipped Strawberries and Marshmallows

Cooking for Kids: Pineapple and Cherry Upside Down Cake

BBC advice on store cupboard essentials to help cook up delicious meals on a budget

BBC Food information on making some healthy and delicious meals

Canned Food Recipes

Online Learning and Activities for Children, Young People and Adults 

BBC Skillswise
A collection of free videos and downloadable worksheets to help adult learners improve their reading, writing and numeracy skills. We will continue to update BBC Skillswise over the next few months.

BBC Bitesize
Bite size learning for children, young people and adults

Wide range of subjects, free access during school closures

English Live Lessons on Facebook with English teacher Holly King-Mand

You Tube's Free School
Diverse range of topics covered

Maths Chase
Learning Maths Can be Fun

Activity Ideas for Children 5-12 years from Action for Children's Parenting Coach, Joanna Miskin,15XBS,5TGJD2,44PIQ,1

Activity Ideas for Teens from Action for Children's Parenting Coach, Joanna Miskin

Free Online Games and Quizzes

BBC Games, Puzzles and Quizzes

Classic FM:  Coronavirus quarantine: 21 classical music activities for self-isolating families

Fun Quizzes for all ages

General Knowledge Quiz 
Quizwise is a general knowledge quiz site for serious trivia enthusiasts. A new challenge is available every day. Our quizzes are the perfect way to relax over a morning coffee or wind down before bed

Can you identify these everyday objects when zoomed in



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